Forest Grove High School

Recently, we had the opportunity to work with Forest Grove High School to provide an audio system for their cafeteria. FGHS uses their cafeteria for more than just a mess hall, they also use it to hold assemblies, meetings, and parties in the large space.

As with many large venue educational projects, the challenge was providing the audience with high quality and intelligible audio. In such big and reflective rooms, it’s important to provide high powered output. However, the audience’s distance from the speakers can still create room reflections that make speech hard to understand. In this application, we chose to design the system to provide both column array and distributed audio coverage so that people can hear just as well in the front as in the back.

The customer was already using Arria Live’s intuitive audio over Ethernet mixing system for other audio systems in the building. We worked alongside Dave to help ensure their system integrated seamlessly with ours. We are all very happy with the results. It’s amazing to hear how good a well designed system can sound in such a hard reflective room.

- James Jacobsen, Sales & Design